Obstructions to Sprinklers – Jay Stough
Hampton Inn -- Willow Grove 1500 Easton Rd, Willow Grove, PAThere are a lot of rules for obstructions found in chapter 8. This presentation will go over how to find your way around chapter 8 for the different types of sprinklers and their obstructions. Designers and fitters come across most of these at some time, but it always good to refresh ourselves on how to […]
2016 Edition of NFPA 13 Updates – Presented by Karl Wiegand, PE
Marriott Lancaster 25 S Queen Street, Lancaster, PAThe 2016 Edition of NFPA 13 has brought about some important changes to the sprinkler installation standard. This presentation will cover some of the highlights of this update such as the changes to the commodity classification annex, new and alternative storage protection methods, and new cloud ceiling allowances. Our presenter is Karl Wiegand, P.E. Karl […]
AFSA NextGen Principle’s Dinner
Great American Pub 123 Fayette St, Conshohocken, PAOn Tuesday evening, May 17th your AFSA MAC chapter will be hosting a “Principal’s Dinner” on the subject of Developing Talent and Management Skills for your Next Generation Employees. Principal Dinners, offered by invitation only, are to be attended by the owners, senior managers and decision makers of local AFSA National and AFSA MAC member […]
Burn Foundation Fundraiser / Casino Night
Westover Country Club 401 South Schuylkill Avenue, Jeffersonville, PAThe AFSA MAC / Burn Foundation fundraiser is going to be a casino night this year - there will be food and drinks, casino games and prizes! Save the date, invite your friends - this is a charity event to raise money for a worthy cause, bring your friends, customers, and neighbors to help make […]